Free Sessions Sept 23 & 30!

Free Sessions Sept 23 & 30!

Curious about what Body Based Voice Ped is all about and if it’s right for you? You have two choices - read about it below and watch clips, OR come to the free sessions!

Join me on September 23 and/or 30 from 1-2:30 EST on zoom and get a feel for what this community can do for you, your singing, and your teaching! As a community we put experiential learning into practice using the most up-to-date knowledge about the body and learning there is!

Welcome to

Body Based Voice Ped

Are you a voice teacher seeking an up-to-date view of the human body's role in vocal expression? Body Based Voice Ped (BBVP) is not just a community; it’s a transformative journey into redefining voice pedagogy through a wholistic lens.

Discover a New Paradigm in Voice Teaching

Traditional methods and anatomy-based approaches have their merits, but BBVP goes beyond, integrating emergent sciences and holistic learning theories. We explore the interconnectedness of the body's systems, fostering organic discoveries and unlocking new possibilities in vocal expression and ease in voice learning. In this community we redefine wholism and move beyond thinking of the body disconnected into parts & pieces, and instead learn about…

…the body in real life. Complete, whole, interconnected, complex.
…self-organization, and simple formulae for changing behavior on its own through experience.
…ways to optimize the whole body to make singing more effortless.
…ways to work directly with the voice to emerge greater possibilities.
…fundamental laws and contemporary sciences related to movement, the body, singing, and learning.

For Skilled Voice Teachers Like You

If you’re an experienced voice teacher BBVP offers a fresh perspective. Our community resonates deeply with those who are eager to expand their teaching toolkit beyond conventional boundaries. Join a vibrant cohort of educators from around the world, all passionate about evolving their craft.

Features That Enhance Your Journey

Join us for weekly synchronous sessions where we collaborate on the latest in body-focused voice pedagogy. Engage in exclusive "movie nights" exploring documentaries and webinars not readily available, enriching your understanding of topics like fascia, biotensegrity, complexity and emergence theories, and nonlinear pedagogy. Between sessions, our private Facebook group fosters ongoing discussions and support.

Focuses include:

Grounding: the science of ground reaction forces
Learning about fascia through touch and movement
Why singing in the shower is vocal magic: Complexity & Emergence theories
Biotensegrity: the body and a pedagogical approach
Full body breathing
The Imagination-Activation triangle: Visualization and motor imagery
Anatomy from the Bottom-up
Integrating Art, Strategy, & Technique

Learn to teach students to teach themselves through their senses!

Your Path Begins This Fall

Fall sessions kicks off in October, offering you the chance to join a waiting list and be part of our transformative community. Whether you choose to pay upfront or in installments, BBVP is accessible with a commitment of $495 per 12-week segment.

Join a Community That Transforms

What members have to say:

"Jeremy is offering something no one else is. He connects the dots of who we are as singers and as human beings." - Lisa L

"BBVP is a divine breath of fresh air... teaching my students as humans versus teaching to a sole set of techniques." - Rachel R

“I'm so impressed by everyone in this group, how everyone's genuinely excited to learn from each other.  It's rare.” - Emily P.

“Exploring the emerging research of how the body's fascial network can increase vocal ability and expression is an exciting new learning frontier.” - Sanders W.

“Jeremy has the gift of teaching which evokes new thought, drawing out self-reflection and investigation.” - Flick C.

Take the Next Step

Are you ready to revolutionize your voice teaching practice? Join our waiting list today and take the first step towards a deeper understanding of how body-based techniques can enhance vocal expression. Fill out the form below to stay updated on our upcoming fall session.

Have Questions?

Reach out at for a personal consultation or more information about how BBVP can benefit you, or scroll all the way down (maybe watch a clip along the way) and fill out the form to tell me a bit more about you!

Join us at Body Based Voice Ped and unlock the full potential of your voice teaching journey.

What the pros say…

Watch some clips…

Your internal intelligence.

There is some potent magic in turning the voice OFF. Suddenly the mind’s eye can see and sense so much more about what’s in the way and what’s pointing the way! The body knows SO much more than our consciousness ways of knowing, and it can teach them mind a lot!


Teaching often feels like holding space for a lot in every moment. We nurture so much beyond the craft of singing including artistry and emotional life in performance.

HOW we do it is a large part of the discussion in Body Based Voice Ped. Because the body is non-linear and learns in non-linear ways, be explore how to point the student’s attention somewhere while we listen many other places.


More important than how much you moved something is the manner in which you moved it.

The quality of movement has a direct relation to the output of an action, whether physical or vocal (which is also physical). Laban gives us a wonderful vocabulary that can be shared with our students.

In experiential pedagogy, everybody learns.

When we ask a student to do something, we invite them to have an experience. When they reflect on that experience we can get a glimpse of how they process and help them integrate new ideas into their existing mental model.

Learn more about the pedagogical cornerstones…

Jeremy was recently asked to share Body Based Voice Ped’s pedagogical cornerstones in a community of bodyworkers, authors, researchers, and biotensegrity thought leaders. These cornerstones are a part of a mental model that ties experiential learning, non-linear pedagogy, wholism, and biotensegrity together. Watch Jeremy unpack all 7 cornerstones in discussion with these brilliant thinkers by clicking the image or click the button below.


  • Body Based Voice Ped (BBVP) is a community of voice teachers learning to understand the body -what it is, and how it learns - in a wholistic and up-to-date way:

    Instead of looking at the body by reducing it into parts, we look at how different systems interact.

    Instead of directive-based approaches, we create experiences where a student will discover more possibilities organically.

    We use nonlinear pedagogy that motivates the body to shift into more efficient states, with more aesthetic possibilities.

    We look at what makes the body whole, and how that can be used pedagogically.

  • There seem to be two main approaches these days (with a million variations, of course):

    1) Traditional methods that feature vocalizes and arpeggios and route methods to help the voice find stability and ease, usually informed by classical singing.

    2) Anatomy-based training that assigns a function to each muscle.

    Both of these perspectives have a time & place - you’ll find no judgments here.

    What hovers above both of these approaches are fundamental truths about the body and how it learns.

    BBVP transcends models and methods and vocal styles. It is the bigger picture in which both old school and new approaches are nested. We explore what is in common across all approaches and vocal styles.

  • Though it’s how we’re used to thinking, the living body isn’t divided into anatomical units - it’s fully connected and integrated at all times.

    What connects our anatomical ‘parts’ is fascia, which is a new frontier for understanding how energy travels through the body, gives the body shape and stability, and also gives us our sense of intero, extro, and proprioception.

    Biotensegrity explains the interconnectivity of biological organisms and provides a model for understanding movement.

    Though this seems complex (because it is), the pedagogy we create using these emergent sciences is simple.

  • Weekly 90 minute synchronous get togethers over zoom where we will put our heads and perspectives together to generate the most resonant voice pedagogy that networks the most up-to-date knowledge of the body, learning, singing, and pedagogy.

    A ‘movie night’ every quarter to devour a documentary or webinar that isn’t widely available or free to the public. Past viewings have included ‘The Secret Life of Fascia,’ a webinar on breath, fascia, and biotensegrity, and also a live dissection of the diaphragms from head to pelvic floor!

    Ongoing conversation in a private Facebook group.

  • Our regular meeting time is Monday from 12:30-2pm EST. Everything is recorded and available in our archive for future viewing or to catch up on anything missed.

  • We will meet again starting October 7! Fill out the form below to stay up to receive all updates!

  • Body Based Voice Ped runs in 12 week segments at $495/segment, which can be paid as one payment or 3 installments of $165.

  • Email me here and we’ll meet on zoom and see if this is the right community for you!

A recent interview!

Watch this hour-long conversation with Alexa from the ‘Singing Teacher’s Talk’ Podcast, where they discuss wholism in singing teaching & learning, how fascia function provides a new understanding of the body in its fullness, and how biotensegrity can be used as a pedagogical model.

Want to see if this is the right fit?

Send me a little information about you and expect an email from Jeremy within 24 hours to set up a short zoom chat so you can ask questions and see how things flow.