Jeremy’s Origin Story

There are many voice teachers from my past that I love. Some knew the voice, some didn’t really, but they all nurtured me and helped me grow, even if they didn’t really understand the difference between belting and mixing, or how performing pop is different than performing Broadway material. They helped me become confident, and gave me motivation to practice and discover more within myself - that is worth a ton.

I started singing later than most. I was around 15 and wasn’t very good. I was not a natural talent, but I liked musicals and did some community theatre and took some voice lessons and wound up at the University of Miami studying musical theatre performance. I performed on a couple of cruise ships to afford to move to New York, and auditioned as often as I could and after a few months, the work snow-balled - but I got really tired and realized that the performer’s lifestyle was not for me (I’m a bit of a clothes horse, which is at odds with packing bags and having limited things).

I moved home to Ontario and began teaching and quickly realized that I didn’t really know what I was doing, and so I started reading books and going to conferences and learned a lot, and quickly knew a lot, and started to share what I learned and got some cool jobs in academic institutions. Even as a full time professor, nothing could quench my thirst to know more and really understand the voice - from every angle.

As I continued to learn subjects adjacent to voice - anatomy and movement, neuroplasticity, fascia function, biotensegrity, nonlinear pedagogy, to name a few - I realized that it wasn’t about sharing information, or information at all.

It was through movement and play, observation and curiosity, awareness and intension, and all of them combined that helped the body learn new behaviors. The information comes from the inside-out.

What I offer is an emergence of those areas of study listed above. It’s an explorative process that helps you develop awareness as well as connection - inside and out, towards the audience. It’s a completely integrated approach of the craft of singing and the art of performing.

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